At Least it's not Turkey.....

Well folks, I've done my fair share of complaining about Canada lately, but today I just want to say this, "At least it's not Turkey..." So there have been 14 deaths of pedestrians who were nailed by traffic when they were crossing a street in and around downtown Toronto over the last week or so. Now, the police are trying to crack down by writing more tickets. But at least here, they aren't coming after the folks using foot bridges. Take a peak at the video above and you'll know what I mean. Apparently in Turkey, they just don't make 'em like they used to (the bridges that is). Not a lot of time for anything else, but just wanted to let everyone know that it could be worse. YOU could be the person on the left of the bridge trying to cross when this all goes down. Until next time.... have a good day, eh.


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