(Picture from http://www.freep.com/ and obamame.com)
Is change possible for the Iowa Hawkeye basketball team? This is a question that the president himself can't answer. And if you would have asked me a few weeks ago, I would have rolled my eyes and said no. I would have sent you on your way with a few unfriendly facts about the coach that was supposed to turn this basketball team around. I would have complained about how I thought Lick didn't adapt to this players, instead it seems that he makes his players adapt to him (something completely against my personal beliefs in effective coaching).
I would have continued by comparing him to a bad high school coach and a "wannabe" cake boss look alike. I would have yelled about how much I hated his offensive style, and his lack of recruiting. And as you walked away, I still would have continued talking to my self, saying how bad I wanted a coach that could recruit well with some sort of fast break/pound it down low offensive scheme.