(Picture from newmillenial.files.wordpress.com)
I'm assuming most everybody knows the details of this afternoons game, and there are probably a million and one blog sites commenting about the decision making by Favre, Childress, and whoever else made a big mistake during today's two playoff games. What I'm interested in is the Brett Favre saga that is going to ensue for the next 8 months. Is he gone? Well if this quote means anything, yes (well maybe). "If you win, you go on. If you lose, you're done -- and for me -- that could very well be my last game,'' Favre told ESPN's Ed Werder. I don't know if Brett was just upset that the media wasn't paying enough attention to him because of the Warner retirement situation or what, but the charades have already begun (I for one think ESPN should either invest in a Brett Favre picture in picture to broadcast all of the things he does this summer, or create ESPN #4). What do the Vikings do from here? Are they justified for the Favre signing? Does the decision to bring in the Gunslinger set them back a couple of years? What about Tavaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels? They must be licking their chops to finally compete for the starting job but will only to be engulfed with the rest of the country in Levi Jean commercials and day to day footage of Brett throwing 80-yard bombs to kids at Oak Grove High School in Mississippi. Will Brett stay around for another comeback tour, or will the rumors fizzle faster than that of a Van Halen comeback with David Lee Roth at the helms (for the kids that have no idea who this is, will it fizzle faster than an N'Sync comeback with Justin growing the Jew fro again)? Does Favre have a hidden agenda to make his record untouchable to Peyton or is he just a 40-year old man that can't make up his mind?
I don't know, and I kind of want to leave the questions open for you the reader to answer under the comments section of this post. It seems Favre (for now) knows what he is doing next year, but as we all know, Favre-a-palooza doesn't take off until mid May and rocks our world until the NFL Preseason begins.
I would love to see Favre retire just to end the media coverage that will spent on him for the next 8 months but the only thing Favre has shown me over the past couple years is that nobody throws more big game loosing picks than he does and he wont make his mind up till training camp is over. Even if he did actually retire and not want to come back ESPN would still talk about him and talk about what teams need him. Another reason Favre should retire is because this was a dream season for him. His team will not be as good next year, the NFC North will not be as easy as this year was, and most importantly Favre will not be as good next year. Favre lasted longer than he should, I think at his age he's just asking for a huge concussion that will result in bigger problems than just not starting the next game and breaking his own streak. RETIRE FAVRE.
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